"Do Not Hold Door Open" Stickers

Most people instinctively hold the door open for others who are following, but that is not appropriate behaviour for secured premises.

Neighbourhood Watch has created door stickers to remind people that they should not enable others to enter a secured area.

These stickers:

  1. relieve the awkwardness of not holding the door open for others.
  2. remind residents to keep their premises secure.
  3. indicate to outsiders that only residents with access keys are allowed.
  4. can be a valuable component of a CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) program.

The stickers look like this:

The sticker specifications are:

Neighbourhood Watch offers the door stickers to managers of secured premises for $4.00 each, which includes postage and handling. Contact us to order, or for more information:

Neighbourhood Watch Association of St. Albert
c/o Dale Fetterly
48 Holmgren Crescent
St. Albert, AB T8N 5V3

phone: +1.780.460.4276
email: info@eyewatch.info